Ki-Ung Song
Problem Solver Who Wants To Change the World Through AI and Mathematics
Seoul, South Korea
Featured Updates
Neural Solver Towards Future of Simulation: Deep DivePost
Neural Solver Towards Future of Simulation: ExplorationPost
Since May 2023
See All >>Growth Hackers: Business Data Analysts
7th education team leader
Mar 2020 - Dec 2020
Collaborated with industry partners to tackle real-world challenges using
actual company data, focusing on data analysis and modeling.
As the education team leader, redesigned the curriculum to enhance internal training for team members.
RecSys Modeling with Educast
Oct 2020 - Dec 2020
- Modeled various types of RecSys and compared the performance.
- Performed RecSys modeling based on deep generative models with Pytorch.
- Performed RecSys modeling based on contents-based filtering using embedding models and clustering.
- Analyzed RecSys performance using various metrics and led the technical analysis.
Automating Delivery Area Assignment and Prediction of Cargo Demand with
Jul 2020 - Aug 2020
- Led technical aspects as co-PM.
- Analyzed and compared auto-delivery area assignment via clustering against manual methods.
- Evaluated traditional and DL-based models for demand forecasting. And advised on data organization for further improvements.
RecSys Modeling with Mathpresso
Apr 2020 - Jun 2020
- Constructed a predictive model for RecSys in Tensorflow.
- Analyzed the model's embedding vector and obtained explainable performance insights.
- Based on the analysis, provided advice on the effectiveness of DL-based RecSys for the given data scenarios.
Featured Updates
Neural Solver Towards Future of Simulation: Deep DivePost
Neural Solver Towards Future of Simulation: ExplorationPost
Since May 2023