Growth Hackers: Business Data Analysts

7th education team leader

Mar 2020 - Dec 2020

Aimed to address real-world issues by working with actual company data through an industry-academia collaboration, focusing on data analysis and modeling.

As the education team Leader, revamped the curriculum for internal training of team members.

RecSys Modeling with Educast

Oct 2020 - Dec 2020
  • Modeled various types of RecSys and compared the performance.
    • Performed RecSys modeling based on deep generative models with Pytorch.
    • Performed RecSys modeling based on contents-based filtering using embedding models and clustering.
  • Analyzed RecSys performance using various metrics and led the technical analysis.

Automating Delivery Area Assignment and Prediction of Cargo Demand with Timfresh

Jul 2020 - Aug 2020
  • Led technical aspects as co-PM.
  • Analyzed and compared auto-delivery area assignment via clustering against manual methods.
  • Evaluated traditional and DL-based models for demand forecasting. And advised on data organization for further improvements.

RecSys Modeling with Mathpresso

Apr 2020 - Jun 2020
  • Constructed a predictive model for RecSys in Tensorflow.
  • Analyzed the model's embedding vector and obtained explainable performance insights.
  • Based on the analysis, provided advice on the effectiveness of DL-based RecSys for the given data scenarios.