
May 2023 - Current
Developing an LLM-powered finance dashboard for personal investment with additional financial engineering techniques.

Pipeline Outline

Outline of LLM4Finance

MLOps Pipeline for Sentiment Analysis

  • PEFT is applied to LLM to predict the sentiment of crawled news headlines: positive, neutral, or negative.
    • Continuous training is triggered in a HuggingFace space environment when the amount of newly labeled data surpasses a specified threshold.

  • Continuous deployment then follows in a separate HuggingFace space environment.
    • The trained model is quantized with llama.cpp framework for deployment in a free basic CPU space of HF.

  • The HuggingFace model hub is used to save and load trained models.

LLM Application

  • LLM agents are crafted for data processing processes data: auto-labels sentiment data and controls the quality of crawled news headlines.
    • Error analysis revealed that data quality issues, such as punctuation and duplication, can severely impact model performance. LLM agents were crafted to address this.

  • The LLM assistant is designed to enhance and streamline financial statement analysis, providing comprehensive support and insights.
    • Experimental: RAG-based framework for enhanced detailed analysis.

  • Experimental: Multiple LLM agents are crafted to simulate economic investment environment to respond to specific scenarios, each tailored to different investing personas.