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Ki-Ung Song

Problem Solver Who Wants To Change the World Through AI and Mathematics


Hello. I'm Ki-Ung Song. My dream is to make a positive impact on the world through AI and Mathematics.

I strive not just to be an engineer or a researcher, but a problem solver who leverages AI and Mathematics as tools for solving problems.

I pursue AI research aimed at solving real-world problems, focusing on practical applications and decision-making support.
I'm interested in various fields of AI, covering both theoretical backgrounds and practical applications.

My current interests are:

  • DL for Simulation
  • LLM & VLM Application
And I'm always passionate about learning new things :)

Selected Projects


  • Developing an LLM-powered finance dashboard for personal investment with additional financial engineering techniques.
  • Click for details! 😊

Latest Post

Neural Solver Towards Future of Simulation: Deep Dive


Seoul National University

  • Sep 2020 - Aug 2022
  • M.S. in Mathematical Sciences
  • GPA: 4.23/4.3
    • College of Natural Sciences Master's Program Valedictorian

Seoul National University

  • Mar 2016 - Aug 2020
  • B.S. in Mathematical Sciences
    • Minor in Industrial Engineering
  • GPA: 3.85/4.3
    • Graduated Cum Laude


I am best reached by email at Feel free to reach out about my research or anything else I might be able to help with.

You can also find me on GitHub, Google Scholar, and LinkedIn for more information.